Milking The GNU
The FSF freed Software. What about the people who wrote it?
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Open source references
Patenting issues
FOSS Business models
Companies fighting the GPL
Liberty Bell
Milking open source
Good Readings
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Milking The GNU will return soon
Why women don't FLOSS
Jonathan is holding his chopsticks pretty well
Another IP lawyer milking the GPL FUD
Boy Scouts of America to fix self-serving open source
BitTorrent: taking down DMCA takedown notices
most read
Mr. Matusow, South Africa and the Microsoft brainwasher
Fun & Humor
Don't get me started about (South) Africans
Creative come on!
Linux funny and otherwise edifying factoids
Desesperatly trying to workaround the GPL
Google to users: you're not the boss of me now
Feedburner to Google: I'm crashing because of you
Microsoft OOXML wasn’t approved by ISO
Open source references
10 organizations of interest to FOSS developers
Call for Equitable Open Source
Equitable Open Source
GNU GPL v3 for dummies
GNU GPL v3 for dummies: mixing GPL and non-GPL code
Picking an open source licence
Venture Capitalists investing in open source companies
10 business models leveraging open source
Open source 101
Software patents
A company turns Microsoft-Novell case into an open source business model
Don’t wanna pay for Linux, beware of soft. patents
FOSS business strategies
An alternative to Dual-Licensing
Way to go Jonathan
Dual-licensing: revoking the GNU GPL
Dual-licensing is unfair and community debilitating
MySQL so busy becoming PostgreSQL it forgets
SUN, MySQL needs you to be bold, go for the cloud!
10 business models leveraging open source
Open source is slow and unsafe
Company closing source: "open souce is a wash"
VCs investing in open source companies
Companies fighting against the GNU GPL
The butterfly effect takes OOXML by storm
RIAA to help enforcing the GPL
Goggle = Microsoft, same tactics, different monopoly
GNU Affero: Microsoft jubilates, Google cries
GPL workarounds
Microsoft forbid using GPLv3 on Codeplex
Google to users: you're not the boss of me now!
Affero: Google answers Milking The GNU
Liberty Bell
Free Software Credibility Index
Google as a shield from RIAA lawsuits
Open source police force
Freedom of Speech: the long tail of Google
17,000 bloggers cannot be wrong
Milking open source
Don't get me started about (South) Africans
Dual-licensing is unfair and debilitating
MySQL so busy becoming PostgreSQL it forgets
One million dollars for a T-shirt
MySQL stripped naked by Oracle
A company turns Microsoft-Novell into FOSS model
Company closing its source: “open source is a wash”
Vote on your favorite open source project
Why Hackers FLOSS
FreeBSD the most distributed Linux in the World
The Farmer and The Nomad
On building Encyclopediae
The GNU GPL is contagious. So what?
Smoking the Cloud: the technology of cloud computing
1 reader every 90s in just 90 days (Part I)
1 reader every 90s in just 90 days (Part II)
Building a Blog in 30 days
Building a Blog in 60 days
Sony BMG infringes on Digital Rights, gets busted
How to build a start-up in one day at no cost
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